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Link Building Tips : How do you get good backlinks?

How do you get good back links? In this article you will learn all about backlinks and link building.

Anytime SEO

Backlinks are links from other websites to yours. These backlinks always formed the basis of Google's algorithm (SEO) because they were seen as recommendations. When Google first came into the base of the evaluation system for displaying search results based on how many backlinks had a site.

Google found that if there are a lot of sites linking to a particular website, that website or to have a high value and therefore it is placed so high in the search results.

Backlinks always made for "website popularity 'and to measure the popularity of your site Larry Page called the so-called PageRank in life. This is a type rating for your website.

Initially Google counted the number of backlinks to your website. The more backlinks you have, the better your score website in Google. Later, it was more looked at the quality of the backlinks and less on quantity.

Quality backlinks

What is a quality backlink? For that you need a few things to consider:



If the site that links to you nothing with yours to do then you will Google link is not relevant and you will therefore yield nothing. for instance:

A link from a website about entrepreneurship to a website with marketing information is relevant and therefore added value. A gardening website with a link to a website about marketing is not relevant and will therefore contribute less to your ranking.


Anchor Text

Google wants to know what represents a link to another website, so it is a piece of text which is linked qualitatively better than the mention of a domain name. for instance:
     Adobe was always on the first place in Google if you searched for "click here". That's because many websites on the internet at their pdf downloads post some text with "click here to download Adobe Reader." The words were then click here clickable to the Adobe site and thus found that the Google Adobe site was relevant to the words "click here".

Make sure when backlinks so that another website is not only your domain name, but does mention a word combination to which you want to be found in Google clickable to your website. These words must of course be relevant to your website and do not attempt here to over-optimize, which they call 'link spamming' (do not be evil!).

Title attribute

A title attribute can be compared to an alt tag for a picture. It's the title of the link. When you go hang out with your mouse over a link that appears. This residence permit as it were the title of the underlying page and adds to your findability on that phrase:


Reputation of the source

This is a very important, Google also looks at a backlink to the reputation of the web page (not the website) where the link is on. If I get a backlink from a page on a website that no strong reputation, then it will have no impact. for instance:

     Twitter.com has a PageRank of 9, which is extremely high. My Account (admittedly helped by this powerful domain name) only has a PageRank of 4 My Account page is many times less than the homepage of Twitter. A backlink from my account will also have much less value than from the homepage.

Now you probably also understand that when you all your backlinks pointing to your website that your homepage is also the page that will be the strongest in your website. If you have a blog then this is fine, your new blog posts are always on the homepage and immediately grab a strong position with it. Will you be specific scores on certain search terms with specific items also make sure that you have specific backlinks to those articles.


What should you look for in backlinks?

When collecting backlinks to your website it is important that you look at the quality of the backlinks and the quality of websites that link to you. These must be are relevant to your website.

If you have a website about lawnmowers and you get a backlink from a site with tips about dogs and cats than you do Google will not reward that has to do with one another. Nothing Google still looks at back left of the relevance also to the reputation of the website that links to you.
How to get backlinks?

You can, among other things meet backlinks via:

  •      Link Exchanges with others
  •      Distributing press releases
  •      Guest Blogger on other people's website
  •      Articles to Article Place locations
  •      Responding to blogs and forums in your market
  •      Register at website homepages

Try here every day just fifteen minutes to spend up to half an hour on the long-term growth in the number of backlinks to your site than gigantic and then it is of course in the eyes of Google. Always focus on quality and not quantity, so do not go to offers where you get to your website by paying hundreds of backlinks because there you have nothing!

Home Pages

For your "link building" (amassing backlinks) to start, I recommend you to report on some homepages. You website These determine in large part to the popularity of your website and ensure your website already inherits some strength.

You can choose to go Googling frontpage like startpagina.nl, startgids.nl, snelstarten.nl, handigstarten.nl, startkabel.nl and plenty of other similar pages. Please check the home page on which sub you can sign. Best In my case, for example marketing.startpagina.nl (where you see me).

The sign works for almost every system. Look for a button "Add link" or contact your administrator. Do not worry if you get no response, or if your link is not placed. That is usually the case, you have to have those few that do place a link.

Article marketing

Another good way to get good quality backlinks is article marketing. Article marketing is a form of internet marketing where you are going to publish. Your articles on as many places on the internet

Through these articles, you will get visitors to mention a link to your website under each article, or where necessary to make it to your website. Few words in your text clickable So you have an extra channel for visitors, but you also work on the backlinks of your website.

There are several places on the internet where you can post articles, an example is Artikelplaats.nl. Here you can as the name quite aptly says post articles enclosing the link of your website.

Other users of Article Place these articles and then take back to their own website if they have a lack of content. They are critical of course also your link on.

     You can also look at other websites such as: NuJIJ.nl, Artikelplanner.nl, TN Articles, E-artikel.nl, KennisDelen.com, Blogger.com and many others when you just Googled!

Press Releases

Press releases work very well for publicity but certainly for getting backlinks. A press release can fill find links to your website (in moderation). Because you do this yourself you have the quality of your backlinks (anchor text, title attribute) also own hands.

The advantage is that these messages are also sometimes sent to other news sites and so you automatically get more backlinks. These are some sites that you can use to place on the internet press releases:

  •      Persberichten.com (paid)
  •      Nieuwsbank.nl (paid)
  •      Online persberichten.nl
  •      Onlinepersbericht.com
  •      Persberichten.biz
  •      Emea.nl
  •      Nubericht.nl

Guest Blogging

A third possibility is to be a guest blogger on someone else's website. There you can then post your blog posts with a link to your website.

Many website owners need good inspirational writers to fill because they themselves simply do not have the discipline or inspiration to do so. Their own weblogs

Using someone else's blog you again reach a whole new audience and you can also work on the branding of your website and you as author.

Links To Social Media

Google has indicated more to start looking at social media when it comes to search engine optimization. That means find links from social media is also going to get more and more. Impact By incorporating social media into your website you can from Twitter and Facebook to increase. The number of links

Google counts all social media links, and also looks at how frequently from social media will you find links platforms single lot get your will in the long run does not help, but a blog post a default set of tweets, plus signs, and "likes" to get help for sure!

You Shouls also link to others?

A common question is whether you yourself must link because many website owners think that this is the power of your own website undermines to other websites. That is not the case ...


Link only to websites that are relevant to what you are writing about and make sure that the outgoing links on your website are also qualitative. Google is a worthwhile when you complement your own site visitor refers to a website with additional information. It must therefore be complementary, and prefer to go to a website with a good reputation with Google.


Link Exchanges?

This is common to get backlinks you do link exchange with other websites, and that is a great strategy as long as you keep the above in mind. A backlink from a "link partners" page with another 100 left will be your pose no added value.

A link from another website, the more. Make sure to link exchange is always that you complement each other, then Google will not be a problem. If you are going to link exchange then it is best to go ABC-linking, which work with 3 website A, B, and C.

Suppose you have made two websites (A and C). You like to have a back link from another web site (s), but B would like to have a link. You can then exchange for a link to your website from B (A) a link from your second website (C) to B sites as a return link.

In this way there is no link to each other and so this is better for the search engines.

There may be no further connection between site A and C.


Check Backlinks

You can easily check backlinks via a good "back link checker", you've been here for very simple yet sophisticated tools and almost all of them give different results.

A first impression of who's linking to you You could get with each checker. Google simply click "back link checker" and you will find what sunk. Via backlink checkers you can also check backlinks of your competitors and therefore so see where they get their left (can you do that so well!).
Internal links vs. backlinks

Briefly the difference between internal links and backlinks:

Internal links are actually a disguised form of backlinks. Actually, the backlinks yourself.

Because they are your own, they have less value. Of course Google has not so much confidence in your objectivity versus your own website that they get the same value as backlinks. Yet they do work same as kind of recommendation. When you link from page A to page B gives A page is actually a kind of recommendation to page B.

Even with internal links, the anchor text is important. For example, you score on a particular keyword phrase on the first page but not on the first spot in Google? Then try for a while in the new blogs / content that you post to include. An internal link to that particular article Then make that keyword combination clickable. You will see that you are going to rise.

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Abhishek Jungi

Abhishek Jungi


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